Message from Tetsuya Enomoto of the Yokohama F・Marinos
Imitation is necessary to some extent to exceed your favorite and star players. Imitation is the easiest way to get started. When I was a child, I could think of no way but to imitate to become like your favorite players.
(It is very important for children to fantasize or to imitate, isn’t it!?)
To watch in your favorite players’ play is the best way to improve not only the ability of play but also the ability of thinking. I always say to children “Please watch in a lot of play of your favorite players like I’ve done in youth”.
(Interviewed by Ichiro Enokido)
Profile of Tetsuya Enomoto
Professional soccer player of the Yokohama F・Marinos
Playing position : Goalkeeper
Place of birth : Kanagawa Prefecture
Mr. Enomoto joined the Yokohama Marinos Primary Sin-Koyasu in the 3rd year at elementary school. Sticking to “tricolor (the club’s home color)”, he was promoted to the top team in 2002.
He finally made his J League debut for Yokohama F・Marinos at the opening game of J・LEAGUE Division 1 against Jubilo Iwata. The experiences such as the competitions for the position made him mentally strong, leading to his first appearance at the league game in 1000 days in September of 2012.
The stable playing custodian.